

Version: 5.0. Last modified: Apr 8, 2020


In this document: "Website" means ai-paper-writer.com

"Customer", "You" or "Yours" mean and refer to you and/or any other person submitting the Order to the Website on your behalf.

"Product" refers to an original essay, paper, and/or other written Product that is drafted and delivered to the Customer in accordance with his/her Order.

"Order" means a written order of a standard electronic form that is filled in and submitted online by the Customer to Our Website. Order specifies the scope of work and other requirements of the Customer regarding the Product.


By submitting an Order and/or payment, You are purchasing the Product for Your personal, noncommercial use only. All Products are drafted by freelance writers who transferred all rights and ownership regarding the Products to the Company. It is Your obligation to read this Terms and Conditions page before submitting any Order and/or payment to this Website.


The Products are refundable only in the cases, stated in the "Money Back Guarantee" document. Please view it for additional information on this issue. Mind that if you live on the territory of the European Union and paid VAT in the process of payment transaction, you do not receive it back with a refund. You get back only the money or a percent of the price stated in the Prices section of the website. VAT is non-refundable.


The Products delivered to You are completely original. The full copyright to the Products and other materials delivered to You is retained by the Company and/or its affiliates and partners.
Your use of the delivered Products and other materials available from this Website is for Your personal, noncommercial use only. You shall not distribute, publish, transmit, modify, display or create derivative works from or exploit the Products and/or contents of this Website without the prior written consent of the Company. You shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Company for any and all unauthorized uses You may make of any material available from this Website. Any unauthorized use of the delivered Products and/or content of this Website may subject You to civil or criminal penalties.


You acknowledge that the Company reserves the right to cancel any agreement, contract or arrangement with any person who condones or attempts to pass plagiarized Product as original when asking for editing or proofreading. You also agree that any Product delivered by the Company may not be passed to third parties or distributed in any way for payment or for any other purpose. You also acknowledge that if the Company suspects that the delivered Product has been distributed or has been used by You in any form of plagiarism, the Company reserves the right to refuse to carry out any further work and services for You and subject You to criminal or civil penalties.
You may not put Your name on the delivered Product. All Products and/or other written materials delivered to You are for research and/or reference only. We do not condone, encourage, or knowingly take part in plagiarism or any other acts of academic fraud or dishonesty. We strongly adhere to and abide by all copyright laws, and will not knowingly allow any Customer to commit plagiarism or violate copyright laws. You agree that any Product and/or other written material delivered to You is provided only as a model, example document for research use, and any text and/or ideas from Our document that You borrow, reference, refer to, or otherwise use in any way in Your own original paper must be properly cited and attributed to this Website.
Neither the Company nor any of its affiliates and/or partners shall be liable for any unethical, inappropriate, illegal, or otherwise wrongful use of the Products and/or other written material received from Our Website. This includes plagiarism, lawsuits, poor grading, expulsion, academic probation, loss of scholarships/awards/grants/prizes/titles/positions, failure, suspension, or any other disciplinary or legal actions. The buyer of material from Our Website is solely responsible for any and all disciplinary actions arising from the improper, unethical, and/or illegal use of the material.
Plagiarism level that is regarded as acceptable by us is below 10%. In case plagiarism level is higher, You have the right to ask for revision or refund. For additional information considering these issues, You are free to view Our Money Back Guarantee and Revision Policy. Please mind that bibliographical references (in-text referencing and bibliography page at the end of the papers) and clichéd phrases (idioms, standard phrases, connectors and other frequently used phrases) shall not be regarded as plagiarism and shall not be included in the plagiarism level calculation.

This website is owned by A Speedy Company LLC (Delaware, USA)